Let me measure your height.
Please step on this scale.
One foot is about 30.48 cm.
You are about 5 feet [151 centimeters] tall.
You weigh about 100 pounds [45 kilograms].
It’s 36.6 degrees Celsius.
華氏 Fahrenheit
It’s normal.
You seem to have a slight fever.
Extend your right arm.
It’s 118 over 78.
You have high blood pressure.
How many bowel movements did you have yesterday?
How many times did you urinate yesterday?
Have you taken your morning medicine?
How do you feel after taking this medicine?
Let me know if you miss taking a dose of medicine.
・この薬を服用されたあと、尿の色が変わるかも しれませんが、心配ありません。
After taking this medicine, the color of your urine may change. It’s nothing to worry about.
Can I help you change your position now.
Let me help you sit up.
Are you comfortable in this position?
Is this bed angle OK?
We’ll take care to prevent your bedsores.
I’ll walk with you to the restroom.
I’ll take you to the X-ray room in a wheelchair.
I’ll help you get out of the bed.
車いすに乗る move into a wheelchair
Lean on my shoulder.
You can put your arm around my neck.
You can use the shower from today.
Would you like a footbath?
Please put your feet in this basin.
Let me shampoo your hair.
Are you itchy anywhere?
Is the water warm enough?
It’s time for your bed-bath.
Would you like to clean your private parts by yourself?
Here’s the washcloth.
Let me change the dressing.
Shall I clean your dentures?