
外科(surgery)・整形外科(plastic surgery


外科(surgery)・整形外科(plastic surgery


Did you cool the area well with running water?


When did you first notice the lump?


The doctor will examine your breast.


How did you stop the bleeding?


We will put your arm in a plaster cast.


You will need to wear a corset.
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Let me show you how to wear a corset.


We’ll need to put your neck in traction.
腰 lower back 脚 leg


Don’t try to lift anything heavy for a while.


Don’t remain in the same position for too long.


Is there a plastic surgeon in the emergency room?




I have back pain.


My back hurts so much that I can’t even walk.


I may have strained my back.


When I picked up my luggage, I got a sudden pain in my back.


It hurts so much that I can’t move my neck.


I can’t raise my arm higher than my shoulder.


My knees hurt.


My joints hurt.



I broke my leg.


It looks like a fracture.


My arm is dislocated.


I am limp from the shoulders down.


It hurts so much that I can’t get up.


 I can’t move my arm.


I twisted my ankle.


After I twisted my ankle it started to swell considerably.


It hurts and I can’t walk.


It hurts just to put pressure on my foot.


I think I sprained my ankle.



Will it have to be operated on?


Is there any way of it healing without being operated on?


How long will it take to heal?


Please give me some pain-killers.


I cut my face.


I was bitten by a dog.


How big will the scar be?


How long will recovery take?

外科(surgery)・整形外科(plastic surgery

化膿止め antibiotics 意識障害 impaired consciousness
..の一部を切除する remove a segment of … …の全摘出 complete removal of…
頭蓋骨骨折 fracture of scull 脳挫傷 cerebral contusion
(複雑)骨折 (complicated) fracture 椎間板ヘルニア slipped disk
ねんざ sprain 脱臼 dislocation
突き指 sprained finger 肉離れ pulled muscle
骨粗鬆症 osteoporosis リウマチ rheumatism
関節炎 arthritis こむらがえり cramp