This treatment isn’t covered by insurance.
We are going to take an X-ray of your teeth.
Please keep your mouth open.
Do you feel any pain when you have a cold drink?
We will drill your tooth.
We have to pull out your tooth.
Please rinse your mouth.
Please bite on this sheet a couple of times.
Please bite on this gauze until the bleeding stops.
Let me remove the tartar from your teeth.
Please eat after the numbness has worn off.
You should brush more carefully.
My right molar hurts.
It’s a stinging pain.
My teeth hurt when I drink something really hot or really cold.
Exposure to cold air makes my teeth hurt.
It hurts when I chew.
The pain is unbearable.
It hurts so badly I can’t eat anything.
My gums are swollen.
My jaw is swollen.
My left cheek is swollen.
There’s pus in the roots.
My gums are bleeding.
My gums bleed when I eat something hard.
My filling came out.
My crown fell out.
My cap came out.
My dentures have come loose.
I have a loose tooth.
My bite is not properly aligned.
I feel as though my tooth is about to come out.
My tooth fell out.
A new tooth grew in.
The new tooth is coming in funny.
She still has some (one) of her baby teeth.
My wisdom teeth have come out.
I grind my teeth.
I have bad breath.
My bite is off.
My braces came undone.
My braces aren’t on properly.
Something is stuck in my braces and I can’t get it out.
歯 | tooth (複数:teeth) | 歯列矯正器 | braces |
永久歯 | permanent tooth | 乳歯 | baby tooth |
入れ歯 | denture | 差し歯 | pivot tooth |
歯茎 | gum | 親知らず | wisdom tooth |
口臭 | bad breath | 洗口剤 | mouth wash |
八重歯 | double tooth | 臼歯 | cheek tooth |
奥歯 | back tooth | 前歯 | front tooth |
糸ようじ | dental floss | 歯科衛生士 | dental hygienist |
矯正歯科医 | orthodontist | 歯列矯正 | orthodontic treatment |
小児歯科医 | children’s dentist |