




What is the problem with him [her] ?


Take his [her] temperature, please.


I’ll insert a suppository to reduce his [her] fever.


Was the delivery normal?


Do you breast-feed him [her] or do you give him [her] formula?


Did you give him [her] any medicine?


Has he[she] had his[her] mumps vaccinations?
風疹rubella 水ぼうそうchickenpox


Has he [she] ever had any convulsions?
頭をけがしたany head injuries 水ぼうそうにかかったchickenpox はしかにかかったmeasles


Does he [she] cry at night?


Do you have a maternity passbook with you?




He has a fever.


He has a high fever.


He’s been slightly feverish for a while.


He doesn’t have a fever.



He says he has a headache.


He says he has a stomachache.


He says he has an earache.


He keeps pulling on his ears.


He’s in great pain.


It hurts when I touch it.


It hurts if I move it.


It hurts so much he can’t move.



He’s vomited three times today.


He says he feels nauseous.


He has diarrhea.


He’s been constipated for three days.



He has difficulty breathing.


He has a stuffy nose.


His nose won’t stop running.


He has a cough.


His nose won’t stop bleeding.


He is wheezing.



He’s itchy.


He has a rash.


He has blisters


It’s red and swollen.


It’s all dried out.


He has eczema.


He has an atopic skin condition.


He’s broken out in hives.



He’s irritable.


He doesn’t have an appetite.


He had convulsions.


He feels tired.


He’s not his usual self.



He’s been bitten by a tick.


He’s been stung by a bee.


He’s been bitten by a dog.


He burned himself.


He has a blister from a bum.


It’s a deep wound.


It won’t stop bleeding.


Pus has formed on the wound.


He got a cut on his face.


I want him to be stitched by a plastic surgeon so it won’t leave a scar.



It’s really swollen where he got hit.


He took a hard blow to the head.


I think he’s broken a bone.


I think it’s dislocated.


I think it’s sprained.


I think he’s sprained/twisted his ankle.


未熟児 premature baby 夜尿症 bedwetting
低体重児 low birth weight baby 突発性発疹 sixth disease
満期出産乳児 full-term infant けいれん convulsion
自家中毒 self-poisoning 母乳 breast milk
粉ミルク formula 離乳食 baby food
夜泣き night cry はしか measles
水ぼうそう chickenpox おたふく風邪 mumps
脱水症状 dehydration 百日せき whooping    cough
風疹 rubella 股関節脱臼 hip dislocation
おむつかぶれ diaper rash    


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