







May I help you?


What seems to be the problem?


Where does it hurt?


Let me take your temperature.

血圧 your blood pressure 脈拍 your pulse


Please take a seat and wait for your name to be called.


Could you fill out this form?
この問診票 this questionnaire


Please go to room number 3.
レントゲン室X-ray room


Let me ask the doctor.


The doctor said that you have the flu.


Please take care.(よりカジュアルに「Take care.」だけでも可)



Do you have a hospital card?

診察券 hospital card
保険証 mecidal insurance card(メディカル インシュランス カード)


May I see your medical insurance card?
(Can I seeでよりカジュアルな印象)


Do you have an appointment?


Do you have a letter of referance?

紹介状 letter of reference(レター オブ レファレンスa reference letterでも可)


Which department are you looking for?
診療科 department(デパートメント)

Please go to the department of (internal medicine).カッコ内をそれぞれの診療科に変えて伝えましょう。


Put your hospital card in the box at the counter.


I’m afraid doctors in this hospital do not specialize in obstetrics.


The clinic is only open for outpatients in the morning.



Is this your first visit to this hospital?


Do you have medical insurance?


It will be necessary for you to register first.


Please write your name and present address.

電話番号 phone number 生年月日 date of birth 国籍 nationality


You can write in English.



Surgery is across from the shop.


Dermatology is next to the restroom.


Pediatrics is between the orthopedics and the internal medicine.


The restaurant is (on the second floor).

地下 in the basement


The cashier is at windows No.2 and No.3.


The ATM is to the right of the pay phones.


The emergency exit is at the end of this hall.


Please use the elevator over there.
階段stairs エスカレーターescalator


Go to the third floor and turn right.


Let me take you there.


Please wait in the waiting room.


You are the second to be seen.
次 the next 3番目 the third


Someone will call your name in 30 minutes or so.


Please wait for another 5 minutes.

・ご予約いただいておりませんので、長くお待たせする かもしれません。

As you don’t have an appointment, I’m afraid it might be a long wait.

とても混雑していますのでAs a lot of people are waiting,



胃腸科 gastroenterology 心療内科 psychosomatic medicine
眼科 ophthalmology / eye clinic 整形外科 orthopedics
形成外科 plastic surgery 精神科 psychiatry
外科 surgery 内科 internal medicine
血液科 hematology 内分泌科 endocrinology
産科 obstetrics 脳神経外科 neurosurgery
産婦人科 obstetrics and gynecology (ob-gyn) 泌尿器科 urology
婦人科 gynecology 皮膚科 dermatology
耳鼻咽喉科 otolaryngology / ENT 放射線科 radiology
腫瘍科 oncology 歯科 dentistry
循環器科 cardiology 麻酔科 anesthesiology
小児科 pediatrics 老年科 geriatrics
神経内科 neurology    


受付  reception  売店 shop
外来窓口 outpatient window レストラン restaurant
会計窓口  cashier / cashier’s window 待合室  waiting area[room]
救急外来 emergency room (ER) トイレ restroom
処置室   treatment room   玄関  entrance
検査室 laboratory  公衆電話 pay phones
医事課  medical affairs department 薬局 pharmacy 
集中治療室  intensive care unit (ICU) 談話室 patients’ lounge
病棟  ward 非常口 emergency exit


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