
耳鼻咽喉科(otolaryngology / ENT)に勤務する看護師必須の英語フレーズとボキャブラリーの紹介をします。


耳鼻咽喉科(otolaryngology / ENT)の看護師に役立つ英語フレーズ集


On which side is your earache?


Are your ears ringing?


Do you have any discharge from your ears?


Do you have a runny nose?


Do you cough a lot?



Do your tonsils often get swollen?


Please open your mouth wide.


Say “Aah”.


You’ll need to inhale some medicine to ease the irritation.


Please inhale the vapor.


The doctor will clear your nose.

・のどの痛みをやわらげるため、このうがい薬でうがいを してください。

Please use this gargle to help ease your sore throat.


Don’t clean your ears too much.


Try not to talk in a loud voice.


Don’t blow your nose too much.


Please gently blow your nose one side at a time.



My nose is stuffed up.


The mucus from my nose is green.


I can’t breathe through my nose.


I have pain behind my eyes and nose.


I have a stinging pain in my ear.


I have a discharge from my ear.


I have trouble standing up straight.


I feel faint when I stand up.


I feel dizzy.


It feels like there’s something in my throat.


It’s hard to swallow.


I’ve lost my voice.


My throat is sore.


There’s phlegm stuck in my throat.

耳鼻咽喉科(otolaryngology / ENT)の看護師に役立つ頻出英単語・熟語

耳垢 earwax メニエール病 Meniere’s disease
突発性難聴 sudden deafness 難聴 impaired hearing
口内炎 stomatitis 外耳炎 swimmer’s ear
中耳炎 otitis media  扁桃炎 tonsillitis
花粉症 hay fever アレルギー性鼻炎 nasal allergy
副鼻腔炎 paranasal sinusitis ポリープ polyp


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