眼科(ophthalmologyまたはeye clinic)で働く看護師のための英会話文と良く使う英単語、熟語をピックアップしました。
眼科(ophthalmologyまたはeye clinic)の看護師に役立つ英語フレーズ
Are your eyes painful?
Do your eyes feel itchy?
Have you been troubled by eye mucus?
Do you have blurred vision?
How long do you wear your contact lenses for each day?
Are your eyes sensitive to light?
Can you see me clearly?
How many fingers do you see?
Drops are being put into your eyes to enlarge your pupils.
Your vision will be blurred.
Please use these eye drops 5 to 6 times a day.
Don’t leave your contact lenses in for too long.
Let’s do an eye test.
Can you operate to correct my vision?
I’m wearing contact lenses.
I need to change the strength of these glasses.
My vision is blurry.
My eyes aren’t focusing on anything.
My eyes are itchy, and I have a discharge.
My eyes are bloodshot.
My eyes are tearing.
It feels like there’s something inside my eyelid.
I see small floating spots.
My eyes get tired easily.
I get headaches in the afternoons.
眼科(ophthalmologyまたはeye clinic)の看護師に役立つ頻出単語熟語
ものもらい | sty | 結膜炎 | pink-eye / conjunctivitis |
眼精疲労 | eye strain | 眼底出血 | hemorrhage of the eye ground |
網膜剥離 | retinal detachment | 老眼 | farsightedness due to old age / presbyopia |
色覚異常 | color blindness | 夜盲症 | night blindness |
トラコーマ | trachoma | さかさまつげ | ingrowing eyelashes |