Do you have any skin allergies?
Did you get sunburned?
You’ll need to have a patch test to check for your allergies.
This rash is caused by an allergic reaction to animal hair.
金属metal 香水perfume
Don’t scratch your rash.
Be careful not to burst the blister.
Please try to keep the area clean and dry.
Wash the area with soap.
When I’m in a warm room I feel itchy.
When my skin dries up it becomes itchy.
It’s so itchy I can’t sleep.
It’s unbearably itchy.
I’ve developed eczema.
It looks like a scab.
Small red spots have started to appear.
I’ve developed blisters.
It’s turned into a wart.
The eczema has spread all over my body.
My skin is wrinkled and peeling.
Is this mole malignant?
I’ve suddenly developed a mole.
I think that this mole has changed shape recently.
I’d like to have this mole removed.
I want to have these dark spots removed.
I think my dark spots have become darker.
I’d like to have this wart removed.
I have bad pimples.
I have a lot of pimples.
I think this might be athlete’s foot.
じんましん | hives | かぶれ | skin irritation |
あせも | heat rash | 発疹 | rash |
あざ | birthmark | わきが | underarm odor |
いぼ | wart | ヘルぺス | herpes |
魚の目 | corn | 水虫 | athlete’s foot |
乾癬 | psoriasis | 疥癬 | scab |
しもやけ | frostbite | 赤ら顔 | reddish face |