The doctor is going to listen to your chest.
We’ll aive you an injection.
点滴 an I.V. drip
Well sterilize your wound.
やけど burn
We need to take an X-ray.
You’ll need to have a urine test.
便 stool 血液 blood
We’ll need to make an incision.
We’ll give you a local anesthetic.
全身麻酔 general anesthetic 縫合 some stitches
Take your top off, please.
Please unbutton your shirt.
Please lift your shirt up.
Please undress from the waist up.
Please lower your pants.
脱いでtake off
Please lie on your back.
うつぶせにon your stomach 横向き(右を下)にon your right side 横向き(左を下)にon your left side
Please bend vour knees.
Please relax.
Please stick out your tongue.
Please breathe in and out slowly.
It will feel a little uncomfortable.
You’ll feel a tiny prick.
Press here with this cotton to stop the bleeding.
Don’t rub the area where you had the injection.
The doctor has prescribed some cough medicine.
Please don’t take a bath today.
You should take the day off today.
You should be excused from school for a week.
プール swimming
Make sure that you get a good night’s sleep.
Please rest for a few days.
You won’ t be able to play any sports for some time.
Stay away from alcohol and spicy food.
・解熱剤を飲む際は、少なくとも6時間は時間をおいて ください。
Take medicine for fever at least six hours apart.
Wash your hands when you get home.
Please apply a hot compress if you need one.
冷湿布 cold compress
Your burn will heal in two weeks or so.
傷 wound
Your back pain will get better in one week or so.
We’ll remove the stitches in one week.
2 日後に two days later
Did you understand the doctor’s instructions?
Make sure you come back in two weeks.
Please come to see us once a month.
1か月に2回 twice a month 毎遇 every week
Please come to the radiology department at 3:00 p.m.
Please make a reservation on Dr. KATO’s clinic day.
Take this sheet to the cashier, please.