



Can I ask you some questions for our medical records?


I’ll read the question in English.


Please write the answer in English.


Please take your temperature.


When did these symptoms begin?


How long have you had this problem?


When do you feel this pain?


What kind of pain do you have?


How did you injure your head?


What do you think has caused this trouble?


Do you have a fever?
頭痛headache 吐き気nausea


Do you have an appetite?


Are you constipated?


Do you have diarrhea?


Do you suffer from fatigue?


Do you feel dizzy?



Have you had a flu shot?
破傷風予防接種 tetanus shot


Are you currently taking any medication?


What kind of medicine?


Are you allergic to anything?


What are you allergic to?


Have you had any serious illnesses before?
気管支炎 bronchitis 肺炎 pneumonia 結核 tuberculosis (TB)


What kind of illness was it?


How old were you at the time?


Have you ever had any problems with your heart before?   

血圧 blood pressure 血糖値 blood sugar level

・ご家族で、重い病気にかかった方は いらっしゃいますか?

Has anyone in your family suffered from any serious illness before?


Who was it that had the illness?


Do you smoke?
お酒を飲むdrink alcohol


How many cigarettes do you smoke per day?


How much alcohol do you drink per week?


How many hours a night do you sleep?



Are your periods regular?


When was the first day of your last period?


Is there any possibility that you are pregnant?



氏名 name 電話番号  telephone number
性別  sex パスポート番号 passport number
male 職業 occupation
female 保険の種類 type of insurance
生年月日 date of birth 国民健康保険 national health insurance
年齢 age 社会保険 social insurance
血液型 blood type 旅行者保険 traveler’s insurance
国籍 nationality 未加入 not insured
現住所  present number その他 other


頭痛 headache 膨満感 bloated feeling / fullness
胃痛   stomachache 疲労感 weariness
吐き気 nausea 疲労困憊 exhaustion
重苦しさ heaviness うつ depression
痺れ numbness 退屈感 boredom
脱力感 weakness  不安感  uneasiness
寒気 chilliness さみしさ loneliness


鋭い sharp  (刃物で)刺すような stabbing
うずく shooting (ハチが)刺すような stinging
焼けるような burning つねられるような pinching
ずきずきする throbbing 鈍い dull
ガンガンする pounding 触ると痛む tender
チクチクする prickling ひりひりする tingling
締めつける tight  放射性の radiating
深部からくる deep 緩やかな mild
電気が走るような shock-like 割れるような splitting
(ふらふらする)めまい dizziness 回転性の)めまい vertigo

例)pain (痛み)をつけて、It is (stabbing) pain.(刃物で刺すような痛みです。)


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