看護師のための電話対応 基本フレーズ
Hello, may I help you?
This is Tokyo Hospital, how may I help you?
May I ask your name and patient number?
Could you please speak up?
ゆっくり more slowly
OK, let me put you through to the Obstetrics department.
I’m afraid that Dr. Suzuki is not in right now.
I’m afraid Mr.Smith can not come to the phone right now.
医師と面接している is with the doctor 検査を受けている is having medical tests
Can I take a message?
Please come to the hospital right away.
Please come prepared for your hospital stay.
Can you wait and see until tomorrow morning?
Do you know where the hospital is?
It’s across from the Tokyo tower.
隣ですnext to 近くですnear
The doctor needs to talk to you about Mr. Williams’ condition.
Mrs. Jones took a sudden turn for the worse.
Mrs. Davis has gone into labor.
Please come right away.
Please come as soon as possible.
留守番電話 | answerphone | 話し中 | engaged |
携帯電話 | mobile (mobile phone) | 内線 | extension |
不在着信 | missed call | 外線 | outside line |
電話が切れる | to be cut off | オペレーター | operator |
番号を押す | to push a number | 受話器が外れている | off the hook |
電話を切る | to hang up | 電話ボックス | phone box |
メッセージを残す | to leave a message | 電話番号 | phone number (telephone number) |
電話する | to ring | 受話器 | receiver |
折り返す | to call back | 間違い電話 | wrong number |
国番号 | country code |