That comes to 3,500 yen.
We will send an invoice for the medical expenses by mail.
Please fill in this form. You can pay the bill when you come back next time.
Can I use a credit card?
Please send me the bill.
Please give me the form and receipt that I have to send to my insurance company.
Can I pay in increments?
Can you send the bill directly to my insurance company?
I’ll check with my insurance company.
he insurance company says that the claim is too expensive.
Please tell me how I can file a claim for the emergency care I received.
Why was my claim refused?
How can I get reimbursed by my insurance company?
Please contact your insurance company within 48 business hours.
Today, we won’t prescribe any medicine for you.
You will get your medicine from the hospital pharmacy.
You will have to get your medicine from a pharmacy outside the hospital.
Take this prescription with you to the pharmacy.
You need to get this prescription filled within 4 days.
This medicine is for headache.
Take one of these pills after each meal.
朝と夜に in the morning and at night 食前に before meal 食間に between meals
Take this medicine when you have a high temperature.
眠れないとき when you have trouble sleeping 痛みをこらえられないときwhen you cannot stand the pain
Please take this medicine with plenty of water.
Never take this medicine more than twice a day.
Take these painkillers no less than 3-hours apart.
A less common side effect of the medicine is dizziness.
倦怠感 fatigue 食欲不振 a loss of appetite 眠気 drowsiness 顔のむくみ facial swelling 顔のほてり flushing of the face
Please don’t drive after taking it.
Please stop taking the medicine if you have any unusual side effects.
Please keep this medicine in the refrigerator.
Don’t expose it to sunlight.
Please keep this medicine out of the reach of children.
Please show us any medicines you are taking.
The digestive medicine is prescribed to prevent stomach irritation.
Please fill this prescription.
What is this medicine used for?
When should I take this medicine?
How should I take this medicine?
What is the maximum dose that I can take?
Can I stop taking it after the symptoms disappear?
Do I have to take the whole prescription?
Is it better to take it after meals?
Can I take it on an empty stomach?
Can I take it before sleeping?
Can I drink alcohol while I’m taking it?
Can I have caffeine while I’m taking it?
初診料 | first visit fee | 健康診断書 | health certificate |
おつり | change | 紹介状、診断書などの)費用 | cost |
紹介状 | letter of reference | 医療費 | medical expenses |
費用明細 | details of medical treatment | 会計窓口 | cashier / cashier’s window |
使用上の注意 | precaution | 消化剤 | digestive aid |
内服薬 | oral medicine | 即効性がある | work at once |
顆粒薬 | granular medicine | 持続時間が長い | long acting |
温湿布 | hot compress | 持続時間が短い | short acting |
冷湿布 | cold compress | 市販薬 | over-the-counter drug |
トローチ薬 | troche | 漢方薬 | Chinese herbal medicine |
オブラート | wafer | 処方箋 | prescription |