





We’ll check your gallstone condition with this test.


This test is not painful at all.


Don’t eat or drink anything, except water, after 8:00 p.m. the night before the test.


Please wear this gown.


Please don’t move during the test.


It’ll take about 10 minutes.


It’s finished.


We will know the results in a few days.


The doctor will give you the result at your next consultation.


The test was normal.
陽性 positive 陰性 negative


You will need to have a further test.



Let me take a blood sample.


Please put your arm on this armrest.


Make a fist with your thumb inside.


Open your fist and relax, please.


Apply pressure for a few minutes.



We’ll administer a urine test.
便 stool


Please collect your urine in this cup.


Fill up one third of the cup.


Please collect the midstream urine.
最初の initial urine 朝一番の first urine of the morning


Put the cup on the counter.


There is some protein in your urine sample.
少量の血液a little blood



I will take X-rays of your leg.


Please take off your watch and any jewelry.


Please put your chin on this chin-rest.


Please push your chest against this board.


Take a deep breath.


Now, hold your breath.



We need to administer an electrocardiogram.


Let me place these electrodes on your chest, arms and ankles.



We will do an ultrasound examination of the fetus.


Lift your top up.


Let me lower your underwear just a little.


The ultrasound test has no side effects.
無害ですis harmless


The gel may feel slightly cold.



Let’s take a CT scan.


We are going to check your brain waves.


Please shampoo your hair the day before the examination.


Don’t put anything in your hair on the day of the test.


Please close your eyes until I tell you to open them.


You can go to sleep during the test.


There will be some lights going on and off over your head.



You need to have an endoscopy.


A doctor will insert a long tube through your mouth and into your stomach.


You may experience a little discomfort as the tube is inserted.


Take this medicine to anesthetize your throat.

・ゆっくりと呼吸をして、全身をリラックスさせて ください。

Breathe slowly and relax your whole body.



You are going to have a barium test.


Take these pills, please.


First, please swallow a mouthful of barium.


Finish the rest of the barium.


Don’t burp.


The examination table will start to move.


Hold on to the handle.



We will give you a vision test.


Let’s begin with your right eye.


Please put your chin on this chin-rest.


Tell me where the opening of the circle is.


Please read the characters on this sheet.


Your right eye is 1.0 and your left eye is 0.7.


Your contact lenses don’t seem to suit your eyes very well.


健康診断 medical checkup 人間ドック  complete medical checkup
血糖検査 blood sugar test がん検診

cancer screening

細胞検査 cell check 肝機能検査 liver function tests
眼底検査 fundus examination M R I MRI (magnetic resonance imaging)


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