Do you ever suffer from an involuntary discharge of urine?
After urinating, do you feel the need to urinate again?
Do you need to urinate more often than usual?
Do you have any pain around your bladder?
Do you feel itchy around your genitals?
Have you ever noticed blood in your urine?
You’ll need to use a urinary catheter.
尿道炎 | urethritis | 尿失禁 | urinary incontinence |
前立腺炎 | prostatitis | 前立腺肥大症 | enlarged prostate |
腎不全 | kidney failure | 腎炎 | kidney inflammation |
腎臓結石 | kidney stone | ネフローゼ | nephrosis |
性感染症 | STD (sexually transmitted disease) |