
産婦人科(obstetrics and gynecology)に勤務する看護師に役立つ英語フレーズを診察編、妊娠編、出産編、出産後編に分けてまとめました。最下部に産婦人科で頻出の英単語・熟語もあります。


【診察編】産婦人科(obstetrics and gynecology)の看護師に役立つ英語フレーズ


Did you bring a record of your daily body temperature?


How many pregnancies have you had?


Did you have a normal birth or a cesarean?


Have you had any miscarriages before?
中絶 any abortions 帝王切開 a cesarean


How old were you when you reached menopause?
初潮 had first period


We’ll need to do an internal examination.
婦人科検診 a gynecological examination


Please get onto the table and open your legs.


You need to keep a record of your body temperature for at least three months.

【妊娠編】産婦人科(obstetrics and gynecology)の看護師に役立つ英語フレーズ


You are three months pregnant.


Your due date is July 13th.


We’ll perform an echogram to check the development of the fetus.


Do you feel any fetal movement?


Your baby is in the breech position.
頭位 head-down position


Will you breast-feed or use formula?


Do you want the baby in with you?


Do you want anesthesia?

【出産編】産婦人科(obstetrics and gynecology)の看護師に役立つ英語フレーズ


How far apart are your contractions?


Has your water broken?


Is it OK if we give you a drug to induce labor?


Let me help you get onto the table.


We are going to have to do a cesarean.


I’m sorry, you cannot enter the delivery room.

・(夫に対して)分娩室にお入りになって、一緒にいて あげてください。

Please come to the delivery room to be with her during the birth.


Breathe in, breathe out, yes, like that.


I feel the contractions are mild.


I don’t feel any contractions.


I can’t stand the pain any longer.


I have extreme pain in my lower back.


I want to push.


I feel as though I have to have a bowel movement.


I feel faint.


I feel dizzy.


My hands and feet are numb.


Bear down!


Your baby has arrived.


You have a beautiful baby boy.
女の子baby girl


You can hold your baby now.


Let me help you nurse him[her].

【出産後編】産婦人科(obstetrics and gynecology)の看護師に役立つ英語フレーズ


Do the stitches hurt?


Please sterilize the skin around the umbilical cord.


It hurts where I was cut.


Clean your vaginal area after you go to the bathroom.


I don’t know if my milk has come yet.


The baby isn’t drinking well.


Please bring the baby to the nursery at night only.


In order to help you nurse your baby, we will give you a breast massage.


Please make sure that you eat well so that you can nurse him[her].


Change the diaper.


We’ll show you how to bathe your baby.


We’ll give you a lecture on family planning.

産婦人科(obstetrics and gynecology)の看護師に役立つ英単語・熟語

膣炎  vaginitis 卵巣炎 oophoritis
分娩 delivery 分娩室 labor room
つわり morning sickness 中絶 abortion
おりもの vaginal discharge 流産 miscarriage
予定日 due date 死産 stillbirth
陣痛 labor pain / contraction 子宮外妊娠 ectopic pregnancy
自然分娩 natural birth 母乳を与える nurse
帝王切開 cesarean / cesarean section いきむ push/bear down


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