内科(internal medicine)に勤務する看護師向けの英語フレーズと良く使われる単語・熟語です。
内科(internal medicine)の看護師英会話フレーズ集
Do you suffer from indigestion?
膨満感bloated feeling
How many times did you throw up?
下痢したhave diarrhea
Do you think it’s something you ate?
Do you have a stomachache when you are hungry?
Have you experienced sudden weight loss?
Do you cough up phlegm?
What kind of phlegm do you cough up?
What kind of stool did you have?
I have a headache.
I have a stomachache.
I have a throbbing pain.
It hurts behind my eye.
It hurts inside my ear.
My head feels as though it were punched.
I have a stabbing pain.
I have a dull pain.
I have a sharp pain.
I have a squeezing pain.
I feel nauseous.
I vomited three times today.
I threw up blood.
I had blood in my stool.
I have diarrhea.
I am constipated.
I feel gassy.
I don’t have any appetite.
I have heartburn.
I have indigestion.
I have a cough.
I am sneezing a lot.
I have a sore throat.
I have a runny nose.
I have a greenish discharge from my nose.
I have a stuffy nose.
It hurts deep inside my ears.
My ears are ringing.
I can’t hear that well.
I have a discharge from my eyes.
My vision is blurry.
My eyes are tearing.
My eyes are red.
My eyes are itchy.
I’m seeing double.
I have a persistent cough.
I’m having trouble breathing.
I have palpitations.
I feel pressure on my chest.
My chest hurts.
I am short of breath.
My entire body feels tired.
I feel dizzy.
I have a fever.
I have the chills.
My extremities feel cold.
My hand feels numb.
I have no sensation in my left hand.
I’m itchy.
I have a rash.
My skin is red.
Hives have broken out.
I have lower back pain.
I have severe muscular pain.
My joints are swollen.
My joints are sore.
It hurts so much I can’t lift my arm.
My knees hurt.
内科(internal medicine)に勤務する看護師に頻出の英単語
貧血症 | anemia | 白血病 | leukemia | 鼻血 | nosebleed |
内出血 | internal bleeding | 偏頭痛 | migraine | 脳出血 | cerebral hemorrhage |
脳腫瘍 | cerebral tumor | くも膜下出血 | sub arachnoid hemorrhage | 痺れ | numbness |
肺炎 | pneumonia | 麻痺 | paralysis | 心筋梗塞 | myocardial infarction |
心不全 | heart failure | 不整脈 | irregular pulse / arrhythmia | 過呼吸 | hyperventilation |
胃炎 | gastritis | 胃潰瘍 | gastric ulcer | 盲腸 | appendix |
気管支炎 | bronchitis | せき止め薬 | cough medicine | 腸炎 | enteritis |